Bingo Stems

Devoted SCRABBLE players memorize bingo stems, the 6-letter combinations that can be used as the basis for many bingo plays. The bingo stems shown below can be used to form over 34700 different words. If you can collect any of these letter combinations in your rack, you’re sure to get the edge on the competition.

aeenps Creates 10 playable words
aeepst Creates 10 playable words
aeertw Creates 10 playable words
aefilr Creates 10 playable words
aefsst Creates 10 playable words
aeggis Creates 10 playable words
aeggls Creates 10 playable words
aegimt Creates 10 playable words
aeginv Creates 10 playable words
aeglor Creates 10 playable words
aeglry Creates 10 playable words
aeglsu Creates 10 playable words
aegmrs Creates 10 playable words
aegnos Creates 10 playable words
aegrrt Creates 10 playable words
aegrsu Creates 10 playable words
aehilr Creates 10 playable words
aehiss Creates 10 playable words
aehkrs Creates 10 playable words
aehlor Creates 10 playable words
aehmst Creates 10 playable words
aehprt Creates 10 playable words
aehpst Creates 10 playable words
aeiils Creates 10 playable words
aeilmp Creates 10 playable words