Bingo Stems

Devoted SCRABBLE players memorize bingo stems, the 6-letter combinations that can be used as the basis for many bingo plays. The bingo stems shown below can be used to form over 34700 different words. If you can collect any of these letter combinations in your rack, you’re sure to get the edge on the competition.

aeemrt Creates 16 playable words
aeertt Creates 16 playable words
aegilr Creates 16 playable words
aegims Creates 16 playable words
aeglst Creates 16 playable words
aegmnt Creates 16 playable words
aehins Creates 16 playable words
aehmrs Creates 16 playable words
aehnrs Creates 16 playable words
aehnst Creates 16 playable words
aehrrs Creates 16 playable words
aehsst Creates 16 playable words
aeinpr Creates 16 playable words
aeinrr Creates 16 playable words
aeissv Creates 16 playable words
aelmpr Creates 16 playable words
aelnot Creates 16 playable words
aelopr Creates 16 playable words
aelstu Creates 16 playable words
aemrss Creates 16 playable words
aenrsw Creates 16 playable words
aenstu Creates 16 playable words
aeoprt Creates 16 playable words
aeorrs Creates 16 playable words
aeprsu Creates 16 playable words