Bingo Stems

Devoted SCRABBLE players memorize bingo stems, the 6-letter combinations that can be used as the basis for many bingo plays. The bingo stems shown below can be used to form over 34700 different words. If you can collect any of these letter combinations in your rack, you’re sure to get the edge on the competition.

cdeosu Creates 12 playable words
ceehls Creates 12 playable words
ceehor Creates 12 playable words
ceehst Creates 12 playable words
ceeils Creates 12 playable words
ceelrt Creates 12 playable words
ceenst Creates 12 playable words
ceeors Creates 12 playable words
ceginr Creates 12 playable words
cehint Creates 12 playable words
ceilnu Creates 12 playable words
ceilps Creates 12 playable words
ceinps Creates 12 playable words
ceirrs Creates 12 playable words
cekrst Creates 12 playable words
ceoors Creates 12 playable words
ceprss Creates 12 playable words
cerrsu Creates 12 playable words
cersst Creates 12 playable words
cnorst Creates 12 playable words
ddeirs Creates 12 playable words
ddenos Creates 12 playable words
deeenr Creates 12 playable words
deeest Creates 12 playable words
deeiss Creates 12 playable words